“我永远不会退休” - 彭博社
| | | 注册 | | — | | 注册 | | — | — | — | | 注册 | | | | 在中国迎接未来 | | — | | 苹果的库克在22天内与中国的滴滴达成10亿美元交易 | | 苹果与中国打车应用滴滴在不到一个月的时间内达成了10亿美元的交易。双方都有很多收获:滴滴在与优步争夺中国市场的霸主地位,获得了扩展到新城市、招募司机和向潜在客户营销的资金。苹果获得了一个潜在的丰厚投资,并在其最重要的市场之一赢得了强大的盟友。该交易还突显了 苹果对汽车的雄心. | | 在中国迎接未来 | 苹果的库克在22天内与中国的滴滴达成10亿美元交易 | 苹果与中国打车应用滴滴在不到一个月的时间内达成了10亿美元的交易。双方都有很多收获:滴滴在与优步争夺中国市场的霸主地位,获得了扩展到新城市、招募司机和向潜在客户营销的资金。苹果获得了一个潜在的丰厚投资,并在其最重要的市场之一赢得了强大的盟友。该交易还突显了 苹果对汽车的雄心. | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | 在中国迎接未来 | | 苹果的库克在22天内与中国的滴滴达成10亿美元交易 | | 苹果与中国打车应用滴滴在不到一个月的时间内达成了10亿美元的交易。双方都有很多收获:滴滴在与优步争夺中国市场的霸主地位,获得了扩展到新城市、招募司机和向潜在客户营销的资金。苹果获得了一个潜在的丰厚投资,并在其最重要的市场之一赢得了强大的盟友。该交易还突显了 苹果对汽车的雄心. | | | 在中国迎接未来 | | — | | 苹果的库克在22天内与中国的滴滴达成10亿美元交易 | | 苹果与中国打车应用滴滴在不到一个月的时间内达成了10亿美元的交易。双方都有很多收获:滴滴在与优步争夺中国市场的霸主地位,获得了扩展到新城市、招募司机和向潜在客户营销的资金。苹果获得了一个潜在的丰厚投资,并在其最重要的市场之一赢得了强大的盟友。该交易还突显了 苹果对汽车的雄心. | | 在中国迎接未来 | 苹果的库克在22天内与中国的滴滴达成10亿美元交易 | 苹果与中国打车应用滴滴在不到一个月的时间内达成了10亿美元的交易。双方都有很多收获:滴滴在与优步争夺中国市场的霸主地位,获得了扩展到新城市、招募司机和向潜在客户营销的资金。苹果获得了一个潜在的丰厚投资,并在其最重要的市场之一赢得了强大的盟友。该交易还突显了 苹果对汽车的雄心. | | | | 今日头条 | | — | | 今日头条 | | — | — | — | | 今日头条 | | | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | — | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | — | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | — | — | — | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | — | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | — | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | — | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | — | — | — | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | — | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | | — | | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | | — | — | — | | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | | | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | | — | | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | | | Today’s Top Stories | | — | | Today’s Top Stories | | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | — | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | — | | ‘我永远不会退休’:美国人打破65岁后工作的记录 随着庞大的婴儿潮一代达到退休年龄,美国的老年工人数量达到了历史最高点。几乎20%的65岁及以上的美国人现在在工作。与此同时,另一代人——千禧一代——将不得不多工作七年,或者存下两倍的金额,以便在退休后过上与父母一样好的生活。但是通过一些冒险的投资,这对年轻一代来说可能并不是坏消息. | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 |
高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 || 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | — | | 高尔夫衰退的冲击:乡村俱乐部会员承受重压 在大大小小的俱乐部中,归属的规则正在动荡。高尔夫的受欢迎程度不再像以前那样,球场以每年150个的速度关闭。俱乐部模式不再那么有效,许多俱乐部正在改变收费结构以吸引新会员。他们的努力在与老一辈的较量中屡屡受挫。 | | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | — | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | — | — | — | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | — | | 清理爆米花 电影院和球场的主食正在经历复兴。自2011年以来,现成爆米花的年销售额(即已经爆开的)激增,几乎翻了一番,达到了11亿美元。尽管爆米花在美国咸味零食市场中仍然占比较小,但它在过去三年中一直是增长最快的咸味零食。 | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | — | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. || Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. | | — | | Soon You Won’t Have to Be Rich to Back a Startup Starting Monday, you too can be a venture capitalist. New crowdfunding rules going into effect then override a longstanding SEC requirement that investors backing private companies be make at least $200,000 a year and have a net worth of $1 million or more (excluding their home). Now startups raising up to $1 million through online crowdfunding portals will be able to sell shares to people regardless of their wealth or income so long as the founders have submitted annual financial reports to the SEC. || Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. | Would You Hang Out at a Cadillac Coffee Shop? Cadillac House, a coffee shop/retail boutique with an art gallery twist and a bespoke scent (don’t laugh: these days you could use those words to describe most Brooklyn neighborhoods) opens June 2 on the ground floor of Cadillac’s New York office. The point of this new space is not to sell cars, but rather to be a destination. It’s unexpected and risky, so it just might work. |