北京时间12月5日,星巴克上海工厂店正式开幕,这是全球第二家星巴克烘焙工坊,也是全球最大的一家星巴克门店。除了奢华的设计、庞大的物理空间、星级的服务体验外,AI Labs在这家店里埋了15个AR触发点,这也是AR室内大型物体识别技术在全球第一次大规模商业应用。
红杉资本全球执行合伙人沈南鹏先生、星巴克董事会执行主席霍华德・舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)先生、阿里巴巴董事局主席马云先生均在开幕式当天接受了CNBC招牌早间节目“Squawk Box”联合主持人安德鲁・罗斯・索尔金的专访,沈南鹏不谈咖啡却聊高科技,从科技层面探讨了中国科技发展、未来技术趋势等问题。沈南鹏指出,如今的格局已经完全改变,中国不再是“低技术”、“山寨”的代名词。
I think often time people still think, “ China is about low tech. China is about copying from the West.” But things have really changed, especially in the last 5 years, the mini business model was originated from China.
Think about it, who launched the bike-sharing? That was China! And in fact, the two leaders, Mobike and ofo are going to US, and try to just fill the need.
What about, you know, DJI, the drone company, who occupies more than 70% of the market share in the commercial drone market in the world. Again, that’s a Shenzhen based company. When you look at its website, when look at its product, you probably will think it’s a company based in California, but it is not.
Well, there’s no single thing called next big thing, but I think artificial intelligence is definitely something excites me.
Again, as I said, it’s just not one single technology. It is an application tool, and I think it could be applied to many areas - financial services, health-care,news, education, etc. So I see this is really something critical for the consuming sector to be more sophisticated and to serve customers better and also, it has a lot of applications in the vertical enterprise area.
索尔金是CNBC的招牌早间节目“Squawk Box”的联合主持人。著有畅销书《大而不倒》(Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System—and Themselves),这本书记录了2008年金融危机的事件,并赢得了2010年杰拉尔德·洛布(Gerald Loeb)最佳商业书籍奖,入围2010年塞缪尔·约翰逊奖(Samuel Johnson Prize)和2010年英国《金融时报》年度商业图书奖(Financial Times Business book of The Year Award)。2011年,HBO出品了由《大而不倒》这本书改编成的电影,索尔金担任联合制片人。影片获得了11项艾美奖提名。