观察者网用户_244706-2019-01-03 07:28
你可能认为动词have的意义很空泛。它不是表示“possess / 拥有”吗?是的,这是第一分支的核心意义。但即使在这个范围内,也有不同的变化:“I’d like to have a really good job, a nice car, a nice house(我想要一份非常好的工作,一辆好车,一座漂亮的房子)”,例如,不同于“He had long brown hair(他有长长的棕色头发)”。
它还表达了关系或条件,其中占有感被削弱或丢失。例如,它谈及与我们有某种关系的人(If we note well what enemies we haue,1569年)或与某些事物相关的存在、位置或定位,例如“Sitting at his writing table, he has on his right the windows giving on Portland Place”;其他用法如“I know it was Valentine’s Day because they had the lights out for a movie”,“He had a reputation to maintain”,“It is proper that others should have an opportunity to experiment”。
相比之下,第二分支更加活跃,表示拥有物品,包括吃喝、生育子女和抓住一个人,以及其他用途:“I had a present from Major Myers of a large jelly cake, iced all over”(1866年); “Wi-Fi cards and access points can be had for less than $100 a piece”;“Waiter, I’ll have pork chops with fried potatoes”;“My wife threwa swingling board at the man who had me by the hand”(1819年)。
第三分支实际上比第一分支更被动,因为它涉及诸如情绪、梦想、疾病、特定时间和情况之类的经历:“One Brother was so elevated..that he boasted of having Visions of Angels attending him”(1751年);“The losers—the boozers, I’ve had them up to here”;“Toasts were drunk, speeches made, and a generally enjoyable time was had by all”(1879年); “It’s bad enough when checkout operators in tone, ‘Have a nice day’ in a robotic voice”。
第四分支,与前述分支一样,基本上是抽象的,但相比之下又是活跃的,涵盖了保留、持有或维护某些东西,或甚至携带某些东西的行为:“Everyone has a higher opinion of himself than his station warrants”(1833年);
“Shut up. I’m wallowing in misery, here. Have a little respect”;“Eric is sitting at the kitchen table having his morning rage”;“Mr.Hall will not have it that Robin Hood made free with other people’s goods, and his vindication is spirited”(1841年)。
第五分支意味着“使之成为或成为”,这被认为更具功能性或语法性,较少指代任何含义。涵盖了以下例子中所见的结构:“The Federalist party had him before the bar of the house and tried to expel him”;“This is not the weighing counter. Have it weighed at Counter No. 5”;“The distinction..is by no means so clear as he would have us believe”;“An estimated 520,000 households had their landline or broadband services switched without their consent”。动词have的一个过渡方面导致最终分支出现,包括完成式的辅助使用(you’d have laughed),与不定式一起使用(you’ll have to excuse me),还有had rather,had better等,我不打算在此讨论。
因此,have是一棵非常茂密的树,有几个主要的分支,每个分支都有一个附属的丛林。单词look更简单,但体现了一种相当惊人的意义变化。它从“引导一个人的视线”开始(第一分支),这当然包括应用思想、小心注意、搜索和期待,以及其他不可忽视的变化:“They open the book and they look if your name’s on it”;“The situation, whichever way he looked at it, was uncomfortable”;“Two lovers looking to be wed”;“Look, if we’re going to be honest with ourselves, we need to admit that we wanted it all”。
第二分支就发生了180度的大转弯。观察或考虑的对象成为主题,现在考虑的是它对观察者的影响,或者至少是观察者认为的对象状态:“Things had, by that time, begun to look badly for all concerned”(1891年);“I see that some of my hearers look surprised at the expression”;“She looked her full forty-three years”。第三分支衍生自第一分支但却完全独立。
这里的转换是从一个主体面向某个方向看到些什么,到该主体面向某方向却没有视觉意为:“A window in one wall which looks on to a small office”。
当前版本中的一个例子是形容词large,其熟悉的主要含义是“尺寸、数量或程度上很大”,两侧是另外两个分支。略微早些时候(它们都是早期中古英语)指代(一个人)慷慨的意思,这在标准英语中早已过时。稍后(中古英语晚期),分支覆盖“不严谨或不受限制;自由;懒散的”,现在这类词义已基本不再使用:“Using the plausibility of large and indefinite words, to defend himself”(Milton,1649年);“Our people in this Colony are, some strict Congregationall men, others more large Congregationall men, and some moderate Presbeterians”(1680年);“to make acquaintance with sailors of large morality”(1866年)。
形容词的情况更为微妙,但仍然有明确的分支。单词late在这方面特别有趣。作为一个非常普通的词,它的微妙变化在使用中很少被人留意到。追溯到古英语时期,它最早的分支与delay(延迟)有关,意指事情发生在预期之后。(事实上,在标准英语中早已过时的第一词义是“slow 慢”。)中心意义包括“The cab is at the door; don’t be late for the train”;“Maybe they’d left it too late”,其他包括“a late spring”和“crocuses are late this year”。
第二分支,可追溯到十四世纪,与时间推进有关。在这些意义上,事件应该在之前时间发生的想法仅在一定背景下,并且主要意义仅在于事件发生在一个时期的结束而不是开始或中间。涵盖了以下用法:“Most of the guys fancied a late drink and headed off into the night to the Irish Centre”;“Isn’t it getting late?’ ‘Is it? I don’t know—I’m a late person”;“A young boy and a girl in their late teens”;“Ray Harford’s side lost to a late goal to..Nottingham Forest”。
此分支主要意义如下:“The place belonged to her late husband, Sir James”和“The late war in Afghanistan and the pending war with Iraq will do little to defeat terrorism”。第一分支和第三分支之间的对比只会在你遇到这种用法时触击你,特别是对于南部非洲:“My father was John Piliso and my mother’s name was Emily. Both are late”,这种用法常常引起误解(它表示某人已经逝世,但就现在的时间而言是比较新近的事情),如下面的交流所示。第一位发言者:“My uncle won’t be coming as he is late”第二位发言者:“That’s OK, late comers are welcome”。