东方观察-观察中国的窗口,中外交流的平台2019-01-07 18:51
iPhone8炸屏、iPhoneX“绿线门”、iOS11系统各种bug、人为调低旧版手机的运行速度…… 状况百出的苹果手机,已经不再是“优质”的代名词。
而相反地,这两年咱们的国产手机 不仅价格相对较低,质量更是越做越好,在国内 市场拥有了绝对的消费群体,碾压苹果。
▲18年11月的中国市场数据,苹果仅占7%,前4位皆为国产手机 (图via NYT)
更何况,如今的中国手机不仅在国内市场有绝对优势,在全球大部分市场都表现良好 (除了搞“禁令”的美国)。许多国家的人都和我们一样,用着华为、小米、Oppo、Vivo……
而美媒《纽约时报》 ,这两天也终于刊登了一篇充满感慨的文章:
▲无论价格还是价值,中国手机的制造商在全球大多数地方都已超过苹果 (via New York Times)
To most Americans, the names are unfamiliar, maybe a little hard to pronounce: Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo.
They are China’s biggest smartphone brands. Around the world — although not in the United States — they are making the handset business brutally competitive.
它们是中国最大的智能手机品牌。在世界各地 ——尽管不是在美国——它们的手机业务正变得有竞争力到可怕的地步。
▲In Price and Value, Chinese Phone Makers Outpace Apple in Much of the World (via NYT)
(图via Counterpoint)(看不清戳大图)
In places like France, Germany, India and Southeast Asia, where consumers find that the phones can do just about everything an iPhone can do at a fraction of the cost.
Apple sits comfortably atop the market in many countries, including China, for the highest-end handsets. But companies like Huawei have started to do elsewhere what they have done in China, competing with the iPhone on experience and value and luring customers with price comparisons that make them rethink buying Apple’s signature product.
至于高端手机——虽然苹果在包括中国在内的许多国家依然稳居首位,但像华为这类的公司也开始在国内外加入高端手机之争, 推出了性能与价值都能与苹果相竞争的产品,并依靠价格优势,让本来打算买苹果手机的消费者三思。
▲In Price and Value, Chinese Phone Makers Outpace Apple in Much of the World
文章里感慨,iPhone XR的起价是950美元 ,而华为的高端手机起价约600美元 。至于iPhoneXS起价就是1250美元 左右,价格差得不是一点半点。(如果二者用起来差别不大,选iPhone的人可能只会越来越少……除非人傻钱多)
▲关于“不同手机拍照效果” 的恶搞图。苹果手机的前置摄像头是出了名的“毁容”镜头
除了华为,小米 也成了《纽约时报》的重点关注对象——毕竟,人家去年已突然变成了欧洲第四大手机品牌。
Xiaomi (pronounced “SHAO-mee”), which is based in Beijing and was founded in 2010, seemingly came out of nowhere to become the No. 4 mobile brand in Europe early last year, according to Canalys.
The gadget maker has also become the top seller of phones in India, in part by opening hundreds of stores in rural areas.
小米的制造商还成为了印度最大的手机卖家 ,部分原因是它在印度农村地区开了数百家门店。
▲In Price and Value, Chinese Phone Makers Outpace Apple in Much of the World
▲小米开在印度的门店 (图via dailypoineer.com)
接着,一枚咱国内的消费者 接受了采访。他说自己“弃苹果从华为”了……
Feng Yin, a 32-year-old engineer, has an iPhone now, but he is considering switching to a Huawei device.
“In the past few years, the technology in Apple’s phones has not had any big breakthroughs, while the technology in domestic phones has gotten better and better,” he said while browsing in a Huawei store in Shanghai on Friday. “The difference is getting smaller.”→“过去几年,苹果手机的技术没有取得任何大的突破,反倒是国产手机的技术不断变好。 这差距已经越来越小了。”
▲In Price and Value, Chinese Phone Makers Outpace Apple in Much of the World
When Alessandro Del Mastro, 33, bought a Huawei handset in southern Italy three years ago, he was skeptical. “My friends teased me that it was not going to last, like most Chinese products, but we were all wrong,” he said.
Faruk Kaya uses an Apple iPhone and tablet but, as a salesman at a Berlin electronics store, he encounters German customers who prefer Chinese brands. “Now you can get a smartphone with the best photo and audio quality for about half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung,” he said.
Gregory Lauseiro, a telecom executive in Paris, bought his eighth Huawei phone last summer. He has turned his 56-year-old aunt, Christine Jankowski, into a believer, too. “I wasn’t really worried about the fact that it was a Chinese brand,” Ms. Jankowski said of her Huawei phone. She added: “We know that they make amazing technological products.
巴黎的电信高管Gregory买了第八部华为手机了。她还把自家姑姑也变成了中国手机的超级粉丝。“这的确是个中国品牌,但又怎样?我没什么好担心的。反正 我知道,中国人正生产着令人惊艳的科技产品。 ”
▲In Price and Value, Chinese Phone Makers Outpace Apple in Much of the World
上面这位说得很对了:无论你对“中国制造”有什么偏见,但中国手机就是 物美价优 ,你不得不买账。
(图byGilles Sabri� via NYT)
▲小米一家门店在巴黎开业,消费者冒雨排长队 (图via网络)