王骁Albert-国际关系观察者2019-01-15 10:47
For decades, working people have gotten more and more productive. And at the same time, they’ve gotten a smaller and smaller share of the wealth they create. Here’s the truth, brothers, and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. Plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands!
This country has spent decades taking from working people and giving to the 1 percent. This city has spent the last five years doing it the other way around. We give back to working people the prosperity they have earned.
The city’s worst landlords will have a new sheriff to fear. When a landlord tries to push out a tenant by making their home unlivable, a team of inspectors and law enforcement agents will be on the ground in time to stop it. We’ll use every tool we have: We’ll fine the landlords, we’ll penalize the landlords. But if the fines and the penalties don’t cut it, we will seize their buildings and we will put them in the hands of a community nonprofit that will treat tenants with the kind of respect that they deserve.