Chartsman-2020-01-06 17:30
在去年8月,西方媒体大肆宣传亚马逊大火与巴西政府施政的种种联系,9月,澳洲野火开始燃起,连烧5个月,目前面积是亚马逊大火两倍。悉尼先驱晨报(英語:The Sydney Morning Herald)是丑化中国以及发展中国家国际形象的先驱媒体,我们来回顾一下该报去年8月对亚马逊火灾的评论:
The Amazon is burning, because of human actions. And once it’s gone, we can never get it back. And yet, we still seem so indifferent. The fires in the Amazon, cumulatively, have received less media coverage than the fire at Notre Dame in France this spring, for instance.
由于人类的行为,亚马逊正在燃烧。一旦它消失了,我们将永远无法收回它。 但是,我们依然如此冷漠。与今年春天法国巴黎圣母院的大火相比,亚马逊地区的大火累积的媒体报道更少。(这报纸的洞察力多厉害)
The fires are not traditional in any sense. Most have been set intentionally, by farmers and loggers clearing land. After farmers and loggers hack down the forest, the easiest way to dispose of the foliage is to let it dry out in the sun for months - then set it ablaze. Smoke from these fires blanketed distant cities last week, grounding flights and sending patients to hospitals with smoke inhalation.
A personal dispute between the presidents of Brazil and France threatened to overshadow the danger facing the Amazon, which is regarded as essential to curbing global warming.