铁血军事-军事肥宅2020-01-06 11:26
1、Steve Lee
I love how “most economists” (meaning they are westerners, or non-westerners who work primarily in the west or for western institutions) make such a vague statement to protect their reputations in case their prediction does not come to fruition. Economy is a discipline that looks good on the surface but mostly fails in practice. I envy the position of economists. They can call themselves experts and enjoy the prestige that comes with it by being wrong a lot of times.
The dearth of respondents of Chinese ancestry shows the lack of interests of Chinese people in this topic. Chinese are not concerned at all if India would surpass China.
2、Victor Tan
I wonder why are Indians so obsessed nowadays to talk about India surpassing China rather than aspiring to surpass the US?
These flashy tables and statistics while making arguments look compelling is a pcs of waffle with very little meaning and has ignored the fundamental problems that impede Indian’s development.
India as it is today was a creation of british colonialism. It is so diverse and does not have a common lineage nor langauage, rendering impossible for any Indian leader to address this so called world biggest democracy in Hindi or any other language and be understood by the entire nation.
China, despite also experiencing diversity (to a lesser extent compared to India as it is predorminatly Han people) was already a unified country with common language since Qin Shih Huang Di (the emperor known for building the great wall of China) emerged as its ruler more than 2 thousand years ago.
What makes a nation great hinges on its population composition.
The caste system (though may have been constitutionally outlawed during the days of mahatma Gandhi) remained deeply entrenched in Indian’s society. This adversely impede the diaspora of the smartest or brightest genes within Indian society.
The Indian smartest and brightest often seek greener pastures outside India (like the Silicon Valley or Wall Street). Conversely it is also true the world brightest would chose not to come to India.
This explains why US despite only having around a third of either India or Chinese population remains world super power till date.
Being the world most populous country in time to come means nothing if birth of duds remains uncontrolled.
In essence you need quality population to generate quality growth.
3、Dr. sang
China being the most populous nation since history of mankind did not make them perpetual superpower. The humuliation by more industrious (smaller) countries (notably Great Britain) for more than one and a half century since 1840 opium wars can attest.
Indian society in many facets remains extremely left skewed till this day compared to Chinese society.
India has never eclipsed china historically. For the above reasons I put forward, it never will.
India will understandably find this painful truth hard to stomach and will continue to defy whatever the odds are.
4、Palanisamy S, Proprietor
why is this obsession with China economy? This is a theory propagated by western media. Why should India compete with China why not USA?
Are the wars between china and India main reasons? Then India should compete with the combined economies of Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand as the whites of these economies grew at the abuse of indian economy.
Historical India and China relations are good. Religiously and philosophically China and India have same understandings. Only Chinese and east Asians can understand us. So stop this unwanted obsession with China. There are more good things will happen if we have good relationship with China and east Asians(including south east Asian).
If China, India, Japan and asean becomes like NATO, then we constitute largest population, economic, military blocks without any challenges. This should be our century. American and European will become immaterial to us.
5、T.A. Aadithya
Population.The one major factor. India adds about 20 million people an year to its population. China adds about 6 million every year owing to its one child policy. So by 2023 India is poised to become the most populated country in the world. By 2050 , there will be 1.6 billion Indians, while China’s population will shrink. The more the people, the more GDP is generated assuming the Indian govt pulls it’s shit together. Although still poor by world standard , India’s sheer population makes it the third largest economy by purchasing power.
The other factor . India has a young population. The average Chinese is a decade older than the average indian . So there is an excess 100 to 200 million more people in China’s workface than India. Most of India’s youth are still studying or just started their careers to make a noticeable impact in the GDP. Also China’s women are more involved in the professional world than India. Indeed there is a lot of untapped talent of millions of Indian women that if used properly can transform India to an economic powerhouse and can double per capita incomes. A lot of Indian women sacrifice their careers for family and husbands and this contributes nothing economically to the country. Per capita incomes of India will only rise if both the genders work and contribute equally.
6、Martin Andrews
Questions like these have been popping up on Quora at a very fast rate, to all the Indians who ask these questions the only reasonable conclusion I can come up with is that Indians seriously underestimate China and the Chinese people’s capabilities.
China had perfected all the correct fundamentals for development, they have built world class infrastructure with a record spending on infrastructure that is the highest in the world, but the problem is that India needs to spend far more on infrastructure and it is not, this will hinder India’s growth substantially, Indian policy makers don’t seem to understand this.
China gave quality education at a massive scale to its citizens, the result is that even the rural areas in China rank at the OECD average (PISA) and Shanghai which is the best in China absolutely smashed the rest of the world in education, India came last in the PISA rankings and it opted out, this shouldn’t be the response for a country which wants to be a global superpower, Indian skilled labour is also low quality which is a result of bad educational policies and low standards and this will hamper India in a future where the world is moving towards high skilled labour.
Indians seem to be very proud of the fact that the 7.37% growth in GDP for 2018 is faster than China’s growth which is 6.9%, sure being proud is essential as well but one should also be pragmatic, what Indians don’t seem to quite comprehend is that since China’s GDP is much much larger than India’s it actually adds more value to its economy even though it grows “slower”.
Chinese GDP for 2017 is $12.25 trillion while the respective figure for India is $2.439 trillion the growth rate during this period for each economy was 6.9% and 6.7% respectively, that means that in absolute terms China added an incredible $1.7 trillion to its economy while India added $362 billion to its economy, in other words China added a bit more than x4 what India added to its economy.
8、AI Bo
My biggest worry is that India might be growing too slow to escape the middle income trap, there is a real danger that India might become stagnant in the middle income trap because it is not growing fast enough, case in point lets make a comparison to when China was where India is today and compare their respective growth rate:
Though both economies are comparable we can see that the growth rate exceeds 10% in China while in India it is much lower, I believe it is essential that India grows in excess of 10% at this stage or else it will really struggle to pull a vast amount of people out of poverty and might get stuck in the middle income trap which would be the worst nightmare for India.
India tried to do a rather unconventional economic strategy, that is jumping straight from agriculture to services while China was and is completing the standard economic strategy that all developed countries followed that is agriculture to manufacturing to services at a rapid rate, India is now joining the manufacturing bandwagon but it is probably too late for that now as the world is heading into automation.
Since it is too late to follow the conventional development strategy India is really on its own to develop a country of 1 billion at a massive scale.
9、The streets of Washington
And no it certainly won’t surpass China in 5 years time because India’s GDP then would be $3.9 trillion and China’s? that would be $18.3 trillion and for reference point the US GDP would be $23.5 trillion.
The same big population is not the guarantee for replicating the same growth rate. India cannot replicate China’s economic miracle.
First, China’s demographic dividend is due to China’s literacy movement before the reform and opening up. The literacy rate of the Chinese population reached 96.4%, while India’s only 72.1%, which means that almost all Chinese labor can join economic construction and industrialization. However, 1/3 The Indian labor force can only engage in the lowest-end non-technical production. The big population of China with the high literacy rate is the demographic dividend, while the big population of India is just the demographic burden.
Secondly, India still has a large remnant of caste system and local clan system, which means that more labor will be tied up and unable to join in economic construction.
Thirdly, whether China, Japan or South Korea, their economic miracles are accompanied by receiving transfer of industries. However, for the next decades, Southeast Asia is clearly the next industrial transfer site which is more suitable and better than India.
Fourthly, Indian “democratic” system always makes serious delays, I don’t wanna make a list here cuz it’s too long.
Fifthly, just my guess, the world will soon enter the era that labor consists entirely of machines and robots (it has already started in many fields), so there’s no need to make industrial transfer and India will become a source of raw materials forever. India may have already missed the golden age of economic development.