龙腾网-2020-12-25 15:09
David Schneider, Professor Emeritus of Psychology & Cognitive Sciences,
A better question would be do parents like each of their children equally, and for many of us the answer is no. Children have different personalities and interests as do their parents. So a parent may feel more comfortable with one child and have more interests in common with him. Some children are touchy so a parent has to be on guard not to say the wrong thing while others are more easy going. And, of course, some children are more likely to do things that make the parents proud; even though parents generally shouldn’t feed off their children’s successes, it’s hard not to do so. Some children are more successful than others, and in extreme cases some may be successful and others complete failures. All other things being equal it would be hard not to like a child who is successful and happily married more than a sib still living in the basement at home and not making much progress in life.
All that said, parents should (and most do) try to treat their children equitably which is not necessarily equally. And it’s hard. Different kids need different kinds of advice and different constellations of carrots and sticks. It’s inevitable that at least one child will feel that she has been treated less fairly (and she may be right) or that she has been less successful in meeting parental expectations. She may even come to think that she is loved less, but as I say that’s often not accurate. Most parents do their best for each child and sometimes don’t get it quite right. It’s been my experience that generally such feelings of being loved less tend to dissipate when the children get children of their own and have to confront all the issues just mentioned.
I do believe in love and specifically that parents love their children, but I don’t know how to quantify that, and ’m not even sure what it means in behavioral terms. Like most parents I would do whatever is necessary (and remotely reasonable) to help my children, and I would never want to be in position to have to decide who deserves that help more. And I suppose a child could do something so outside my moral limits that I would cease to love that child as much. Love’s a very funny emotion whereas liking is far more straightforward.
I love my kids separately as individuals and would sacrifice anything and everything for any one of them, but because of temperaments and challenge levels, I don’t love them equally. Actively knowing this is hard because I feel really guilty about it and do what I can to try to change the one complicated/strained relationship (but…it remains tenuous even after professional intervention).
I have one child who is a miserable human being: perpetually sour, demanding, arrogant, bossy person with no empathy at all and a mean streak (the child will make a wonderful prosecutor one day). I have had this child in a variety of professional help situations and the consensus seems to be that while there isn’t anything mentally wrong, the child is serially unreasonable, and can’t seem to understand that there is a problem with his/her behavior, and most of it is just personality. I want very much to love this child and have a good relationship with this child…but it is extremely difficult when there are personality traits involved that are abhorrent to me and are not ones I’m equipped for (because I don’t have a mean bone in my body and can’t respond with anything but hurt and disappointment when the child is mean to others). I do what I can to be proud, supportive, and loving toward this child and to see/praise/encourage the good points (there are some…hyper-responsible, smart, driven) but it is difficult for me. This is not a person I’d choose to be friends with or have anything to do with, were we not related.
I have another child who is the absolute light of my life. This child is the perfect cross between my spouse and I, with the best qualities of both and charisma thrown in. This child has the tools and personality to succeed and to be liked. This child is positive, imaginative and happy with a sense of humor. Pretty much the opposite of the other. I would be lying if I said that this child isn’t the love of my life and my favorite.
The key is, recognizing this…everything I do, I’m aware of how it can be seen and how hurtful it would be for one child if I ever let it show. So I guess my answer is, I care for and protect them equally, address both needs diligently and with the same level of attention. I don’t regret having any child. That said, without intending to or wanting to, I do love one of them more, and I fight every day to mitigate that and keep it from coming out.