龙腾网-2021-01-07 16:35
Daniel-Flavius Lucica, Thought Leader
Here are ten skills for you to teach them:
1. Start giving and sharing today. Giving is the secret key that starts the wealth producing engine of your personal micro-economics. If you don’t give a dime out of a dollar, you definitely won’t give $100k out of $1m.
2. Master your mind. The mind is split into two: the conscious and the subconscious. The subconscious is what really matters, what produces the results, but it cannot tell right from wrong. The conscious on the other hand can, thus the conflict. The conscious mind exists just to act as a gatekeeper for the subconscious. Obviously you don’t want the wrong things to make it through. Duality (right-wrong, good-bad, big-small, easy- hard) exists only in the conscious mind. During your “formation years” you got by default a lot of beliefs from the people around you (family, friends, teachers, colleagues, media etc).
3. Dream big and have a vision. White down the why behind your goal. This should be meaningful to you. Try with more things until you hit a home run. You need to get inspired by your goal. Your goal should be a mission to serve, to make a difference. Otherwise you are not going to take action. It’s just going to be wishful thinking. This is the process that will inspire you to take action. It will come naturally as an idea or an urge to do something towards your goal.
4. Think creatively. The industrial revolution created “robotic mindsets” focus mainly on fulfilling pointless and repetitive tasks. A direct effect of that was a generalized creative thought atrophy:
a. Some years ago, the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with men today?” The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, “Men simply don’t think!” - Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret (1956)
b. The findings showed: 2% of the people think, 3% of the people think they think and 95% of the people would rather die than think. If you don’t believe those numbers I challenge you next weekend to just sit down and think creatively for 8 hours. After 1 hour you wish you would be working.
a. 几年前,有记者问到已故诺贝尔奖得主阿尔伯特·史威哲博士:“医生,今天的人类怎么了?”这位伟大的医生沉默片刻,然后他说:“人类根本不思考!”——厄尔·南丁格尔(Earl Nightingale),《最奇怪的秘密》(The Strangest Secret)(1956)
b. 调查结果表明:2%的人在思考,3%的人认为自己在思考,95%的人宁愿死也不愿意思考。如果您不相信这些数字,我将在下周末挑战下你,坐下来创造性地思考8个小时。 1小时后您就会希望自己去工作。
5. Value your time. Value your time and improve your efficiency: 80% of the value comes from 20% of the effort. Which means that 80% of your effort is inefficient. Value your time and put it to good use, by prioritising the high ROI (Return On Investment) activities. We all have 24 hours in a day, but we don’t use it the same way. That’s how high achievers make better use of their time. Poor people spend time to save money. Rich people spend money to save time.
6. Manage your money. Pay yourself first. Save and invest. Get experts to help you. Multiple passive income streams.
7. Sales. There’s no business without sales. I like Mark Cuban’s business rule: “Sales cures all.” That’s true.
8. Accounting and investments. Beying able to invest efficiently and grow your business is a key factor in becoming a billionaire.
9. Leadership. Drive to action is created through motivation and inspiration. The best way to imagine the difference between the two is to imagine motivation as a “push” while inspiration is a “pull”. You get pushed into action by motivation and pulled into a higher purpose action by inspiration.
10. Focus. It’s very easy to lose your way if you don’t stay focused on your goals. Dilution of your focus and efforts usually results in failure. This is one of the most common cause of startup failures, even after initial revenue and traction.
7、销售。没有销售就没有生意。我喜欢马克·库班(Mark Cuban)的商业规则:“销售可以治愈一切”。确实如此。
Matt Duckworth, Founder at Rhapsodi, Investor, and Compulsive Learner
The early-life correlation you see with most billionaires (Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc) is that they got started at a young age in something that was critical to their success later in life. Oddly enough, you see the same correlation in sports (Tiger Woods), chess (Bobby Fisher), music (Mozart) and pretty much everything else. Hmmm…. maybe there’s something to this?!
大多数亿万富翁(卡洛斯·斯利姆(Carlos Slim)、比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)、沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)、史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)等)早年生活都有一定的共同性,那就是他们在很年轻的时候就开始从事了对他们日后成功至关重要的事情。奇怪的是,涉及到体育(泰格·伍兹)、象棋(鲍比·费舍尔)、音乐(莫扎特)和几乎所有其他方面都可以找到这个共性,也许这里面有蹊跷!
Bill Gates began programming on the best computers available at least a few hours a day every day beginning around 12 years old. By the time he went to Harvard, its likely he was already one of the top programmers in the world and that allowed him the springboard to start Microsoft. Zuckerberg has a similar story. Bezos has a similar story.
Warren Buffett began with paper routes and vending machines when he was just big enough to ride a bike. Because his dad was a senator, Buffett also had the luxury of the Library of Congress, where he read almost every great investing book in print. By the time he got to be 30 years old, he had about 20 years of business chops under his belt. Try NOT being successful with that kind of experience.
Carlos Slim’s dad started him out running the family’s businesses around 14 years old. Eventually, he took over. By the time he was 30, he was already a multi-millionaire because he’d been hip deep in the action for 15 years. Same basic story for Ron Perelman… same thing for a lot of the new Chinese billionaires.
卡洛斯·斯利姆(Carlos Slim)的父亲让他在14岁左右开始经营家族企业。最终,他接手了。在他30岁的时候,他已经是一个千万富翁了,并且他在这一行就已经干了15年了。罗恩·佩雷尔曼也有同样的故事等等,很多中国的新亿万富翁也是如此。