【补发】【美国日记】21.01.10 真不愧是“大屎”!_风闻
兔家真探-让我们一起去探索真相吧!B站同号,有视频哦!2021-01-19 17:42
以下内容节选自美媒The Atlantic的文章《美国现在必须在国内外修复民主》
当我们反对侵犯人权行为时,我们这样做并不是因为在美国不会发生此类侵犯人权行为。 当我们为新闻自由辩护时,我们这样做并不是因为美国记者完全不受骚扰。 当我们呼吁司法独立时,我们这样做并不是因为美国的法官不受外部影响。 相反,我们之所以这样做,是因为我们意识到在美国进行民主试验的过程中仍需做的工作,并且因为我们的历史告诉我们,要坚持民主就必须捍卫民主。
Two days after the invasion of the Capitol, Natalie Brown, the U.S. ambassador to Uganda, issued a statement that explained why the United States must still stand for freedom and the rule of law:
When we speak out against human rights abuses, we do so not because such abuses do not occur in America. When we speak out for press freedom, we do so not because American journalists are entirely free of harassment. When we call for judicial independence, we do so not because judges in America are free of external influence. On the contrary, we do so because we are mindful of the work still to be done in the American experiment with democracy and because our history has taught us that democracy must be defended if it is to endure.