【美国日记】21.01.20 美媒:蓬佩奥用美元反美国!_风闻
兔家真探-让我们一起去探索真相吧!B站同号,有视频哦!2021-01-20 11:24
任期只剩一天,国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)进入了他的纳税人资助的Twitter帐户,并谴责多元文化主义,称“这不是美国”。
他在星期二写道:“觉醒主义,多元文化主义以及所有这些主义-他们不是美国。他们扭曲了我们光荣的创立以及这个国家的本质。我们的敌人煽动了这些分裂,因为他们知道它们使我们变得更弱了。” 。
Washington (CNN)With one day left in his tenure, Secretary of State Mike Pompeotook to his taxpayer-funded Twitter accountand denounced multiculturalism, saying it is “not who America is.”
***“Woke-ism, multiculturalism, all the -isms — they’re not who America is. They distort our glorious founding and what this country is all about. Our enemies stoke these divisions because they know they make us weaker,” he wrote Tuesday.***But Pompeo himself, who is widely believed to have 2024 presidential ambitions, has stoked those very divisions with loaded rhetoric and dog whistles decrying “wokeness” and an American way of life “under attack”during protests against racial injustice and police brutality.The secretary of state’s assertion that “multiculturalism” is not part of the American ethos was swiftly denounced as a shocking and racist affront to the workforce he leads, the agency he represents and the values it is meant to espouse.