鹰击长空-黑名单专治乌贼、反智、喷子、谣棍和杠精2022-01-11 17:53
The uncertainty of the estimated water content from ESPAT is ~20% (9). **We used the mean particle size of lunar regolith of 60 to 80 m in our modeling, which is similar to the particle size of the regolith determined by mass at the six Apollo and Chang’E-5 landing sites (15, 16).**The derived water content of the regolith at the Chang’E-5 landing site varies from nearly undetectable [<~30 parts per million (ppm)] to around 120 ppm (Fig. 1B and table S2).
We predict that higher water content may be found in surface regolith than that from the subsurface of the returned borehole samples if the original stratigraphy is preserved.The estimated water contents of the regolith in the landing area are in agreement with those measured in the Apollo regolith samples (18) and the orbital observations (9, 19). Similar to the Apollo regolith samples (18, 20), water in the regolith at Chang’E-5 landing site likely originates mainly from solar wind implantation (18).