Jon Sindreu
波音投资者 rightly focused on when the 公司 will make decent 钱 again in 2023 after an ignominious few 年。But they should also ask a more existential 问题: When will this 飞机 maker make planes again?
Earlier this 月, Boeing’s facility in Everett, 华盛顿, assembled its last 747, the jumbo 飞机 that opened a new era of luxury 飞行 when introduced in 1970. When its 退休 was first teased in 2016, it didn’t look as if Boeing was giving up engineering and commercial dominance. Its 777 had shown from the mid-1990s that two-engine 飞机 were the 未来. Its last clean-sheet model, the 787 Dreamliner, had been 飞行 since 2011.
The void left by the 747 feels larger now. In 十一月, Boeing Chief Executive David Calhoun shocked investors by indicating that no brand-new commercial designs would grace the 天空 until at least the mid-2030s.
Since 2019, Boeing has had to deal with the grounding of its 737 MAX, Covid-19, the suspension of 787 deliveries, supply-chain issues and uncertainty about its standing in 中国. Just increasing production of existing modelsand delivering the 400 飞机 accumulated in storage is a complicated enough 任务, but Mr. Calhoun has also been dealing with snags in the defense arm and a certification tussle in 华盛顿 D. C.—which, as of last week, ended up going Boeing’s way.
Investing in a new 飞机 usually causes aerospace stocks to underperform, particularly around scheduled first flights, given problems and cost overruns. It could mean burning $30 亿—almost all of the free cash flow that Boeing is expected to generate between 2023 and 2026, as it returns to profitability.
欧洲的空中客车已经在订单和交付方面超过了美国的竞争对手,通过升级现有机型,空中客车可以轻松将波音逼入困境。除了由空中客车的A321延长版主导的高产量航线外,737 MAX在市场份额上与A320系列接近。但是空中客车只需将其改装为新的复合材料机翼,就可以使无法进一步发展的1960年代设计的737过时。如果波音的工程师在过去20多年没有从零开始设计产品,波音可能会难以迅速做出回应。
高管们可能从737 MAX危机和梦幻客机的问题中学到了错误的教训。产品设计从来不是波音的弱点:精益的787是一个有远见的赌注,而空中客车正在全力发展其A380巨无霸。最终一次升级737,许多人事后批评,已经取得了商业成功。理论上,这释放了资源,可以投资于一款可能超越A321并成为新数字设计工具的试验场的中程喷气机——这个想法是七年前提出的。
波音的787梦幻客机,它是波音最后一款全新设计的机型,自2011年开始飞行。图片: logan cyrusGetty Images写信给 乔恩·辛德鲁,邮箱 [email protected]