Beril Akman
摄影师:Nathan Laine/Bloomberg在一年的时间里,土耳其的预算赤字扩大了近900%,这一年里发生了总统选举和一对毁灭性地震,政府对此结果感到高兴,因为他们预测了更大的财政冲击。
Simsek 告诉官方通讯社 Anadolu Agency,如果排除地震支出,赤字占国内生产总值的比例为1.7%。
— 经济学家 Selva Bahar Baziki。点击这里阅读更多。
Turkey’s current transfers, which include payments for social aid and to the nation’s state-run energy importer, were the primary driver of the increase in government expenditure last year. The allocations surged 111% in annual terms and accounted for more than a third of total spending.
Qatar paused sending liquefied natural gas tankers through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait after US-led airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen raised risks in the vital waterway.
At least five LNG vessels operated by Qatar that were heading toward the passage at the southern end of the Red Sea have been halted since Friday, according to ship-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. A prolonged pause in supplies from Europe’s second-biggest LNG provider raises risks just as wintry weather grips the continent.
The moment Chinese President Xi Jinping’s prospects fell apart for a favorable outcome in Taiwan’s election came not this weekend, but at a luxury hotel in downtown Taipei on a Thursday evening in November.
In a Grand Hyatt conference room, opposition figures who favor restarting talks with China met to hammer out a joint ticket that gave them a better chance of winning the election. That deal imploded in a televised volley of public insults that’s gone down as an unprecedented moment of chaos in Taiwanese politics.