Meta. PayPal. X. All of these tech companies have made attempts at a “super app” in the U.S., following the success of WeChat in China, but have yet to get one off the ground. Tech leaders have struggled to combine elements like social media, messaging, payment and more into one place. So what’s holding the U.S. back from having a super app available?
WSJ explains why, despite challenges, companies still see it as their holy grail product.
随着微信在中国取得成功后,Meta(元宇宙). PayPal(贝宝). X(推特). 所有这些科技公司都曾尝试在美国开发一款“超级应用”,但至今仍未成功。
-------------译者:xf_gui--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
The US/EU shouldn’t want a single app with access to literally all of their identity, finance, and other security information. It creates a single point of failure that poses a major security threat to customers when that app is infiltrated
While it is true that China has made significant strides in the development and adoption of super apps like WeChat, it is important to consider the unique factors that contribute to their success. China’s digital landscape, regulatory environment, and consumer behavior differ significantly from those in the United States.
Americans and Europeans (and others) already think big technology companies have too much power and lack of privacy so a Super App is a no go.
There is a way to offer the convenience of a “super” app AND limit the power of tech giants. Anyone can create an app and through APIs, integrate services from the major platforms into one. It can be as separated (an app that then lixs to the 5 different websites - essentially a browser) or integrated as required.
This does however require the big tech companies to open up their features through developer APIs.
-------------译者:kokia202012--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
The thing is every app in China is becoming super app not just WeChat, there are shopping app or gym app becoming social platform, and music app becoming livestream platform
Giving one organization control over everything is not always a good idea.
Remember how when Google has an issue with one of the products you use they block your entire Google account preventing you access from every Google products you use.
Amazon is already on the way to do this in India. It already provided a range of services from banking to booking movie tickets and more.
You don’t need to jump between the apps inside the Wechat. But you still have one display it means you still need to jump between different windows
-------------译者:xf_gui--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
We have this in the usa and it’s called iOS. Imessage, Apple health, Apple Pay, etc… Apple is the tech giant collecting all of our data the same as WeChat (if not more), but it’s just packaged a little differently.
我们在美国有这个,它被称为iOS。Imessage、Apple health、Apple Pay等……苹果是一家科技巨头,它收集的所有数据与微信相同(如果不是更多的话),但只是包装有点不同。
Great Video! Actually exploring frxworks of Healthcare-centered Superapps but not really for US market at first because Health Insurance companies are absolutely terrible
Apps should remain separate … Its bad enough that all our info is on one device, it would be catastrophic to make it worse by putting it on one app.
Besides, Google and Apple have operating systems that cover the role of the “one app”.
There is already a company that manages finance, messaging any other commodities you can think off. It’s Apple, they already are a Super Company and the App Store it’s a super app manages everything. US and European citizens don’t see an issue with using multiple apps to fulfill their needs. Plus competition makes for a better costumer experience even if we sacrifice the commodity of having everything in one app.
-------------译者:5cents--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Apple is capable of doing this, I hope they make a super app.
Interesting analysis, tech dominance isn’t easy!
Apple could lead the charge on this. I’d like to have one (as an option, not the ONLY option). But with antitrust laws etc, it would be hard to do, I think.
I’m not sure if we want a company having that much control